
Save H3H3 a.k.a Ethan's eyebrows | Response to ''Save Marina Joyce Parody H3H3 productions''

2017-01-31 21 Dailymotion

Just making a desperate response to a valued Youtuber H3H3 Productions, respect to Marina Joyce and Ethan n Hila ofc ;)

In case you have no idea wtf im on about im talking about, this video is a parody of this hugely viral video from this week:


Ethans Call for help has gained over 1 million views since the 30th
due to a release that appears to be Forced on by the Evil Hila

i am not posting fun or insulting anyone, i just love H3H3 videos, and hope we get to see another soon, his Evil Hila shall hopefully release him. So in support i am posting a video response to raise awareness

Since making this video i have found the suit to not only be good for Dates and Funerals as Ethan states but also very useful in:

meetings when presentation is key
cycling thus help to make people more aware of you,
walks on the beach,eating out, and finally sunbathing

1 like = 1 prayer

i hope you enjoy my video i do apologise for my useless microphone and low quality webcam snowball comes next week, edited using camtasia after effects and audacity

Top label
Save ethan :front
Please sub, and dont forget to pass the salt!

Lookout on my Fpsbook/Instashot/Twitter and Twitch for new Videos

Credits :
Ethan and Hila at H3H3 productions,
Sad Violin - Royalty free Sound Effect
Musikaali Background Scores